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The Blurb

Luca Volpe & Renato Cotini are proud to present The Prophecy of Horus.

Imagine this:
You show the spectator a card saying that represents a prediction…the prophecy of Horus.

Then you introduce cards of mixed puzzle pieces saying that they create three typical Egyptian symbols. At this point the spectator will proceed to a series of mixes, completely changing the sequence of the cards. Once the mixing procedure will end, the first four cards will be arranged to form the figure of a puzzle. Three of these pieces will match but only one will be wrong. Despite everything, when the prediction card is turned will show how the prophecy came true, in fact the image on the prediction will correspond to the one created by the spectator!

Important points:

  1. You can decide what image to predict (four option to choose from)
  2. You will find two different kind of presentation, one for mentalists (where the prediction will have one wrong piece) and one for magicians (with a different handling where the prediction will match perfectly with the one created by the spectator)
  3. The mixing procedure is based on an old technique which has been streamlined for the purpose of this routine, using a script that makes sense!
  4. Perfect for close up and online shows!
  5. Perfect to bring people on your social media, in fact the prediction can be posted on your Instagram or Facebook profile!

What you will get:

  • 12 professionally printed high quality cards on 300 grams cardstock
  • 3 full prediction cards
  • 1 prediction card with a wrong piece of the puzzle (for the mentalism presentation)
  • Download instructions and pdf that you can use to print your own prediction if needed.

Jheff's Guide

Effect with Props

The download instructions referred to are video instructions.

The cards are not gimmicked in any way, so you can reset the cards into their performance setup in seconds after each performance.  It can be done in front of the audience.

Close-up, Walkaround, Internet

This is an elegant set of cards that are used to predict, or control, a particular Egyptian mythological image using an old principle that is essentially self-working, though unnecessary. There are other more direct methods. If this interests you, then you will be quite pleased with this, but this is not something that all mentalists need to have.

This is an elegant set of cards that are used to predict, or control, a particular Egyptian mythological image using a principle that is essentially self-working.  The principle is not new, but Renato and Luca came up with a theme and handling that suits this principle.

Two things are important to consider.  First is the theme.  The Egyptian theme involving Horus and predictions fits with the principle, but may not fit with your style.

Second, the procedure doesn’t really tie in to the theme as organically as it should.  Ideally, the participant should just reach into the stack and pull out four cards, or choose cards one at a time until four are chosen.  However, the dealing procedure, which are three complete deals, according to the instructional video, is the raison d’etre.  It’s always risky when you have a method and then work to fit a routine around it, especially when that method is not necessary.

If you like the theme and the cards, then you can always use a different method to have the four cards selected, if you wish. The plot is certainly fun, whether you do this as mentalism or mental magic. And it is certainly versatile in that you can perform this close-up or online. If this interests you, then you will be quite pleased with this. But this is not something that all mentalists need to have.