Friends of the Marketplace
Would you like me to review your product and provide a link on this page to my review and your site? If I think your product has value to the working mentalist, I’ll be more than happy to. To keep my overhead low, I buy my products mainly through Murphy’s Magic Supplies as needed. But I know there are many fine creators who are not selling their products through Murphy’s, or any other distributor, and who need assistance in letting mentalists know about their unique and wonderful products.
If you’d like to take advantage of my services, all you need to do is contact me and then send me your product for review. Once I get it, I’ll contact you to discuss it and we’ll proceed from there based on my opinions. Being an experienced high school teacher, I can assure that all advice that I give you (if you need any) will be constructive and helpful. I really enjoy helping creators sell and create their products, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.