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The Blurb

I have long felt that, at least for me, some of the material that I perform needs to be reflection of the world in which I live. Allow me to explain.

For example, while this is not a bizarre magick release (even though it DOES contain some rather bizarre stuff in it), I have always maintained that bizarre is highly commercial for the same reason that horror movies are highly commercial. If there wasn’t a demand for strange and frightening entertainment, the film industry wouldn’t keep cranking out horror movies.

As such, bizarre magick is every bit as commercial as any other form of entertainment. You just need to perform it for the right audience.

But, as I said, this is not a bizarre release. This is primarily mentalism

So what is the intended audience, here?

The intended audience is any adult who watches television or movies.

When it comes to televised entertainment, at every turn there are movies, series, and mini-series wherein at least some element in the overall plot involves murder.

Are you starting to wonder if Strivings has lost his marbles, yet? Stick with me.

Literally every night of the week, there are series on TV involving police and criminals, mayhem and murder.

From the introduction of this new tome –

“Think about it. As I write these words there are literally scads of programs – regular series, mini-series and full movies – wherein one of the main elements is murder. Every single night of the week, and on demand, anytime.

“Some of these programs deal with the act itself, others deal with the aftermath, still others deal with the pursuit and capture of the perpetrators. And of course, there’s always the courtroom dramas that are at the other end of everything.

“The sheer proliferation of these programs wouldn’t be happening if there wasn’t a demand for it.”

It’s true. The list of so-called ‘cop’ shows is LONG. When I was a kid there was Dragnet and the Untouchables. These days it’s the 417th season of Law & Order. There have been a ton of programs in between these, and there will be a ton more long after these can no longer be found.

Within the magic and mentalism world, there is a classic plot known as the ‘Murder Mystery’, sometimes called the ‘Murder Game’. There are literally hundreds of examples in the literature as well as a ton of marketed versions of the plot over the years.

What I have for you today is the first in-depth exploration of the plot anywhere in the literature.

Allow me to introduce you to…
Mentalism & Murder
by Mark Strivings

While there are a bunch of variations on the theme, a bare-bones ‘Murder Mystery’ presentation by a mentalist might look something like this –

A panel of volunteers is brought on stage. The performer instructs them that he will either turn his back or leave the room entirely. While his back is turned (or he is out), the panel will make several decisions among themselves. One of them will be a ‘murderer’ (all of this is figuratively speaking, of course). Another will be the ‘victim’. They will cumulatively decide how the victim was killed, what weapon or method was used. Depending on the presentation, there can even be a re-enactment, of sorts, of the dastardly deed.

When the performer returns from his exile, he proceeds to use his mental powers to deduce who the murderer was, who they killed and what weapon was used.

Obviously, the entertainment factor is up to the performer, but trust me, there is plenty of meat on these bones.

If this sounds a bit like a popular board game, it should. Many of these presentations pattern themselves after the classic board game, ‘Clue’. Some even use the cards from the game itself. But you’ll find all of that out when you read the book.

There have been a ton of approaches to this basic plot over the years, and virtually without exception, those who have put together commercial presentations of the Murder Mystery have found it to be a huge hit with their audiences.

Mentalism & Murder is the first in-depth exploration into this classic plot, detailing over FIFTY different effects that range from stage to close up. There are even what can best be described as CARD TRICKS here, cleverly disguised as murder mysteries! And good ones, at that!

Included in these pages is work from names like Maven, Thompson, Elliott, Kosky, Adams, Yates, Meyer, McGill, Collins, Gravatt, Fox, Anderson, James, Fulves, Setterington, Joseph, Shadow, Lorraine, Karmilovich, de Courcy, Nosek, Magus, Clever, Christopher, Fetsch, Waters, Warlock, Christ, Rutledge and more! It’s like a “Who’s Who” of magic and mentalism.

It’s all in one place. Nearly 140 pages. Over FIFTY effects. Tons more listed in the bibliography. Comb-bound in card covers for easy reading.

It can be all yours for only…

$65.00 postage paid in the US
Canada add $14.00 for p/h, elsewhere add $21.00 for p/h

This amazing tome is also available as a digitally encoded eBook! Everything is exactly like the print version except it is delivered directly to your inbox and you can have it on your phone, tablet or computer.

PLEASE NOTE – this eBook is digitally encoded, which means that the purchaser’s name and email address appears, unobtrusively, on every page of the book. Additional, that same information has been invisibly and directly encoded into the contents of the book itself. This is done for your protection as well as mine. If pirated copies start showing up, I can trace back to the exact point where its started. You are spending good money on this product, and you deserve to have it protected.

It can be yours in eBook format for only…


I accept PayPal, Venmo and Zelle. Use whatever is easiest for you.
My PayPal is Please be sure to list exactly what you are ordering in the comments section at PayPal, including your shipping info (if ordering print) or email address (if ordering eBook) THIS IS IMPORTANT!

My Venmo account is @Mark-Strivings-1. Please be sure to list exactly what you want in the comments section at Venmo, including your shipping info (if ordering print) or email address (if ordering eBook) THIS IS IMPORTANT!

My Zelle is Please be sure to list exactly what you want in the comments section at Zelle, including your shipping info (if ordering print) or email address (if ordering eBook) THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Jheff's Guide

Book or eBook, 152 pages

It doesn’t include a complete list of the contents, though it’s accurate enough to get a sense of what this is.

This is another winning collection of themed material from Mark Strivings. This time, the theme is murder mysteries and unless you really have an aversion to this type of premise, this reference work is a no-brainer purchase and a unique addition to your mentalism library.